October 31, 2013
Tecnica story
Tecnica Founded

Tecnica is incorporated in Delaware
January 12, 2016
First US patent
US patent No: 9,233,507

Print bed leveling system
April, 2016
Prototype model I-1

Casa I-1
Sep 6, 2016
Second US patent
US patent No:9,435,998

Beam director for steering a laser beam
Sep 18, 2016
Proof of concept
2D proof of concept for our second US patent

This POC validated beam steering with a production of a 2D print using crude mirrors
Aug, 2017
Prototype model I-2

Casa I-2
May 28, 2018
3D print proof of concept
3D proof of concept -printing of a disk

printing of a nylon disk
May 20, 2019
First 3D print proof of concept
September 17, 2019
Third US patent
US patent No:10,416,444

Beam director with improved optics
November 12, 2019
Fourth US patent
US patent No:10,473,915

Beam manipulation system
May, 2020
First manuscript paper
September 3, 2021
2nd paper accepted by the SFF
SFF symposium

The SFF committee accepted our paper following peers review. The SFF committee also recommended submissions of the paper to the JOM journal.
Dec 13-15, 2021
3rd paper submitted
Speaking & presenting the Øgon at an SPIE affiliated conference

Charles Bibas is an invited speaker at the 1st international 3O SPIE affiliated conference introducing the Øgon Lens Free Optical Scanner (LFOS)
Q1 2022
Casa II is available
Casa II SLS desktop printer is available

Our desktop SLS 3D printer. Casa II is available to order.
Feb 14, 2022
JOM Journal published our paper
Lens-Free Optical Scanners for Metal Additive Manufacturing

The Øgon for 3D metal printing is published by JOM Journal.